About Us

Out on the trail in Yosemite.
Out on the trail in Yosemite.

This site is put together by Dave Nielsen – a foodie, tech geek, backpacker, cyclist, kayaker, amateur photographer and video guy – and who knows what else. My mom brought me up eating whole foods and funky recipes (zucchini pudding anyone?) and while I rejected all that for a while I’ve returned to it as an adult (see, there’s hope for all of us parents out there).

I hope you enjoy the site. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for improvements. I’d especially love to hear about any of your favorite recipes.

23 thoughts on “About Us”

  1. Nice one,

    I have been making pasta lunches with a thermos for years, people look at me very strangely, but I have tasty pasta and they have soggy sandwiches 🙂

    One tip I have not seen on the site is that the more heat you get in, the better you can cook. For example, even if you are only cooking pasta for one person, if you get a huge thermos, you can get more hot water in. More hot water means more energy to cook the pasta and you don’t need to refill (which I sometimes need to if using a smaller thermos).

    Thanks for the site, keep it up.


  2. Matt, thanks for the suggestion and the kind comments.

    You’re exactly right about the additional mass and energy in a larger thermos. I will work that detail into my Thermos Cooking Basics info.

    Thanks again,



  4. hey dave, love the site … looking for tips and recipes for eggs … from soft poached to hard boiled any ideas?

    all the best, doc

  5. Great site! You should send a link to Alton.

    I took the core info from your base recipes and put it into a one page cheatsheet to post on my cupboard door. I’ll send you a copy, if you want one.

    The one piece of information that I’d recommend adding under Basic Recipe is the expansion volume of the grain. For example, you could put 3x for the Quinoa.

  6. My first thermos of steel cut oats is cooking right now.

    If you are developing an alternative income stream, you might consider adding a few more amazon.com items to your page:
    – electric kettle
    – stainless steel funnel
    – measuring cups
    – measuring spoons
    – bottle brush
    Sure, people can get these elsewhere, but sometimes when they’ve got a new project, they like to have all new items to get set up. And, a lot of people enjoy supporting a site with a purchase.
    A link to Bob’s Red Mill might be good too.

    Looking forward to my oatmeal, thanks!

  7. After trying to cook millet in a good quality Thermos and finding it uncooked at the end of the day I am trying to figure out what I did wrong. It is a 2-cup Thermos and I added quite a bit of salt…. The following is a quote about salt = “The boiling point of water is a scalding-hot 100 degrees Celsius at sea level. Adding impurities to it, such as common kitchen salt, lowers its vapor pressure and raises the energy requirement needed to make it boil.” What should I check for if my item fails to cook besides getting the thermos and the water as hot as possible.
    Thank you.

  8. Thanks for posting the link. I know Kurt’s old site went away and I couldn’t find a new link. He’s definitely the pioneer of all of this and his stuff was great.

  9. Hi, how long can I leave quinoa in the thermos? Should I put it in the fridge after cooking? I left it in the thermos for a few days last week and did not get food poisoning. So thats good right? 🙂

  10. I’d like to help contribute to your site. Send me an email and I can document with HD video what I’ve been cooking. I’ve taking it to “extremes” now.

    Some of the great things I’ve cooked:
    Rice – steamed
    Raw Veggies – vitamins that normally steam away locked in
    Chicken (be careful!)
    and My favorite – Scrambled Eggs, with all the fixings!

  11. So do these recipes work well in the narrower, 61 oz. Nissan thermos, and are they more difficult to clean? We currently have a narrow mouth Stanley.

  12. I am interested in obtaining a thermos cooking bottle (container) capable of cooking oak groats.

    Several years ago, I had a thermos bottle that allowed me to cook oak groats with boiling water.

    What product does your company sell? Where can I buy it?

    Thank you.

    John Hart

  13. I am interested in obtaining a thermos cooking bottle (container) capable of cooking oak groats.

    Several years ago, I had a thermos bottle that allowed me to cook oak groats with boiling water.

    What product does your company sell? Where can I buy it?

    Thank you.

    John Hart

  14. Dear John
    we are a professional food machine company, you can contact me for more information, my name is jessica, mob is 86 15030267603 skype : jessica198812051
    Type your comment here


    I am interested in obtaining a thermos cooking bottle (container) capable of cooking oak groats.
    Several years ago, I had a thermos bottle that allowed me to cook oak groats with boiling water.
    What product does your company sell? Where can I buy it?
    Thank you.
    John Hart..

  15. Some people have mentioned just pouring boiling water into Thermal cookware, but all the instructions I’ve read online seem to require bringing to a boil on a stove. Can anyone advise? In case of electrical outage (which we have often) I have a way of boiling water quickly, but not a quick,efficient way of using a large cooking pot. Any help or advice you can offer will be appreciated!!
    Thanks, Sylvia

  16. Greetings,

    Has anyone used a Thermos product for cooking “Sous Vide”?

    Perhaps Thermos could create a product that could hold 4 meals worth… meaning a larger opening.


  17. I could not find any thermos products in your store. Only an electric pot. Would love to know what you recommend. Thank you. Best.

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